Walmart’s Logo Refresh

In early 2025, Walmart revealed a logo refresh to the general public and if you missed it, don’t be surprised. Most comments seem to echo the same sentiment, there doesn’t seem to be much of a change. Walmart’s logo, with a blue background and yellow text, was most recently updated to be a slightly different font, causing many people to question if there was even a change at all. The comments range from not seeing a difference to a heavy dose of sarcasm noting that it’s radically different.

The art of the logo refresh is an interesting and tricky one, it can either be so minor that it’s almost not worth noting (like Walmart’s logo noted in this article) to a drastic change that allows a company to be more relevant in the current day (Airbnb is a great example). What should be a nice highlight for a company making the effort to update the most noticeable part of their brand can either be well received with praise or a PR-nightmare with negative reviews. Either way, it’s an important process any company goes through as time goes on and they continue doing business. And how the general population receives it should be something they take into consideration. What kind of feedback they will receive, does the logo refresh stay on brand with the soul of the company, and what’s the purpose of the refresh, are just a few valuable questions a company should be asking themselves when going through the process.

For anyone interested in marketing, being aware of how a logo refresh impacts a company is fairly important to study and analyze. At some point in your career, you will probably be part of that project, or be at a company that goes through the process of a brand and logo refresh, and it is beneficial to know what some of the outcomes are. There are hundreds of companies that have done this for decades, I mentioned two of them earlier on in this article, but with a little research out on the web, you’re sure to find a variety of examples that exist out there.


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